Varicose veins (varicose veins) - what is it, photo
Varicose veins - ICD-10 code
- If varicose veins are complicated by ulcers - 183. 0
- If varicose veins are accompanied by inflammation, stagnation dermatitis - 183. 1
- If the first two conditions are combined - 183. 2
- If varicose veins are uncomplicated - 183. 9
Symptoms of varicose veins in lower limbs
- Thrombophlebitis (shown by severe pain, redness, local temperature increase, and swelling along the veins. Sometimes you may feel a blood clot blocking the lumen of the blood vessel in the painful area. In severe cases, you may start to feel cold and turn into thrombophlebitis)Observe the inflammatory process from superficial to deep veins),
- Trophic ulcers in the context of chronic venous insufficiency.
Causes and triggers of varicose veins
- Genetics (heredity).
- Changes in hormonal levels (pregnancy, hormonal contraceptives).
- Heavy physical activity, especially static, purely standing or sedentary work.
- excess weight.
- Chronic cough.
- smokes.
- Injuries to the legs can damage blood vessel valves.
Which doctor treats varicose veins in legs
Diagnosis of varicose veins
- Doppler ultrasound (determines the quality, speed of blood flow, obstructions in the form of thrombus, presence of blood clots),
- Transillumination (venous transillumination, even if the changes are not yet visible to the naked eye).
Treatment exercises for varicose veins in the legs
It turns out that walking or even running is more useful for a person than sitting for hours in the office or in front of the computer; during rest, there is almost no blood flow and fluid manages to enter the body through sweat. tissue, swelling increases.
A set of exercises for varicose veins
- We sit on chairs so that our feet don't touch the floor. We rotate the legs at the ankles, bend and straighten them until there is strong tension, and then do the same movement with the toes, practicing 15-20 times each time. In addition, foot massage is also useful for varicose veins in the legs.
- Walk vigorously in place for one minute.
- We stand close to the wall with our palms at shoulder level and focus on the wall. We stood up on our toes and fell down on our heels, rolling like this 10 to 15 times.
- Slowly stand on your toes with feet shoulder-width apart and arms pointing upward.
- Use your feet to "ride a bike" from a supine position.
- "Scissors" (stretch your legs straight and cross them like scissors).
- Swing your legs slowly from the side, alternating with your right leg, then your left.
- Pull your knees all the way up to your chest. Repeat 20 times.
It's also worth considering that some exercises only cause damage to your veins - barbell strength training, skipping rope, long strenuous runs and long periods on the stationary bike are all no-nos. For people with weak blood vessels in the legs, team sports such as jumping and running - football, basketball, volleyball (injury to the valve device) are not recommended.
Prevent varicose veins at home
- In addition to exercise, contrast showers and compression stockings are also great for blood vessels.
The latter has its disadvantages: firstly, it is quite expensive, and secondly, after long wear and tear, the container becomes completely soft and stops working independently. Therefore, I recommend not wearing it regularly but during heavy loads, standing work, long hikes, and during pregnancy. - It is useful to put pressure on the legs by walking up the stairs, vibration gymnastics or jumping (quickly lift the toes, touch the floor lightly with the heels, 2 to 3 times a day, 30 to 60 times, lift the heels down 2 times). 1-2 cm).
- You should not abuse the habit of prolonged exposure to the sun, in the bathroom or in hot baths.
- Drinking at least 2 liters of fluid per day is recommended to control your weight and ensure plant-based ingredients dominate the diet. You should cut out alcohol, spicy, smoky and salty foods, or at least significantly reduce their presence in your diet.
- Do not wear tight underwear, shoes, socks or socks with tight elastic bands.
- During the holidays, avoid drinking champagne; it can make your condition worse.
- Don't wear high heels every day. More than 4 centimeters - already very high.
- Don't squat.
- Don't cross your legs, as this will squeeze blood vessels and make it more difficult for blood to flow out of your already weak limbs.
- Try not to stand still, even in line; it's better to shift from one foot to the other.
- Remember, vitamin C maintains the elasticity of blood vessel walls.